BTEC Music Technology

Entry Requirements
College entry criteria plus ANY of the following:
GCSE Music (minimum grade 4)
Grade 5 in an instrument
Grade 5 in music theory
Related experience of music inside/outside of school
By Audition / Portfolio of Work
BTEC Specification Pages: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-nationals/music-technology-2016.html
Music technology is a creative and hands on approach to music covering everything from studio recording to contemporary composition.
You will develop skills that will enable you to write, record, produce and market your own music whilst getting an appreciation and understanding of the software and equipment that enable you to do so.
You will be given the opportunity to start building a professional portfolio of work that you can use to attract future clients and employers
​The course in Music Technology has been designed to deliver a overview of the current music industry and provide you with the wide variety of skills required to be successful in such a vibrant industry. We have good links with numerous other institutions such as the Royal Northern College of Music, Salford University, Huddersfield University and BIMM to name a few.
What will I study?
You will cover a wide range of units including Studio recording Techniques, Remixing and Reworking, Music and Sound for Media and Live Sound to name a few.
You will be given the opportunity to work within a recording studio environment to produce multitracked recordings, get creative using the professional DAW software in the Apple Mac labs and work or rigging and engineering in our professional theatre space.
There are many opportunities to further develop your skills through engagement in our enrichment activities and through work with our partners in the local community and professionals in the industry.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment is undertaken in a variety of practical ways with some written assignments. 70% of work is assessed internally and undertaken through coursework. 30% is assessed externally and undertaken through controlled classroom-based assessments.
Where will this course lead me?
Most students continue their study after college at university where they can further develop their skills and begin to specialise in a specific area of the music industry. The varied skill set that Music Technology provides students with gives them a wide range of choices when it comes to careers, some of which not necessarily relating to the music industry.
Students have gone on to study at Salford, Huddersfield, Leeds, Edge Hill, Derby, Bath and York with some opting for specialist study a centres including BIMM, Futureworks, the Royal Northern School of Music, Leeds College of Music and the London School of Music amongst others.
Some student work:
In this track, the students worked in the studio and performed the track, recorded it, mixed it and mastered it. They were assessed on all the skills required for each task and also on working as a team.